Traditional Ships in European Waters – best practice of operation and preservation
The conference is organized by Baltic Sail Committee in cooperation with Guldborgsund Municipalty and Haikutter Festival Committee and in consultation with European Maritime Heritage. The conference is scheduled to contribute to the preservation and promotion of European maritime heritage.
Conference Programm
Saturday, 4th August 2018
09.00 Bus pick-up at “Den Gamle Gaard” and common transport to the conference.
09:30 Registration of participants
Nysted Byhus (The Ancient Cinema Theater).
10.00 Welcome to the conference
Merete Ettrup, moderator of the conference, Manager at Træskibssammenslutninge
10.05 Welcome to Nysted and Lolland-Falster
John Brædder, Mayor of Guldborgsund Kommune (DK)
Session I
10.15 Title in progress
Rasmus Casper, CEO at Traeskibssammenslutningen (DK),
10.50 The new EU-passenger ship directive and its consequences for national and international travel on traditional vessels
Thomas Hoppe, Vice-Chairman of EMH (GER)
11.25 MoU – Memorandum of Understanding
Lars Palm, Treasurer at EMH (SE)
12.00 Lunch
Session II
13.00 Baltic Sail events & projects
Holger Bellgardt, Baltic Sail Association (GER)
13.30 The medieval center ships – from archeological treasures to modern reconstruction
Thit Birk Petersen, Mag. Art at the Medieval Center Nykøbing F (DK)
14.00 HALALA-Project – building and operation of HALIUVE HIIUINGEL
Ain Tahiste (EST)
14.30 TWEISMAKER-Project – building of a full dinghy based on traditional boatbuilding methods
Janine Uhlmann, Museologist, and Uwe Ahlgrimm, historic boatyard of the Maritime Shipbuilding and Shipping Museum Rostock (GER)
15.00 Coffee break
Session III
15.30 The AAEN family of ships – reconstruction of Ebba Aaen
Nis-Edwin List Pedersen (DK)
16.00 The new traditional old sailing ships and some motives about auxiliary sail propulsion and other ecological types of auxiliary propulsion
Zygmunt Choreń (PL)
16:30 Summaries / Conclusions
17.00 End of the conference
17:15 Bus transport to the hotel
Evening Session IV
19:15 Common bus transport to Nysted harbour
19.30 Visit at Smakkelauget – conservation of “smakke boats” at Nysted habour
20.00 Dinner and Get together at the harbour of Nysted,
Nysted Hajkutter Festival
23:00 Common bus transfer to the hotel.
Sunday, 5th August 2018
Departure / Excursion
10.00 Individual departure / cruise on traditional sailing vessels
Participants of the conference have the unique opportunity to participate in a cruise with traditional vessels to the Windmill Farm of Nysted and to enjoy the colorful programme of the 10th Haikutter Festival Nysted. We will charge an amount of 25,00 € per person which will go directly to the vessel operators and the maintenance of their vessels. Please provide us with your booking details on the application form for the conference.
Baltic Sail Committee Phone: +4525181898
c/o Guldborgsund Municipality
Martin Damgaard Larsen
Parkvej 37 e-mail: mdla@guldborgsund.dk
4800 Nykøbing F. Internet: www.guldborgsund.dk
*Please note that you can fill out the PDF form electronically.
Read more about the 10th Hajkutter Festival & Regatta 2018 at: