Financial Support
Owners of traditional ships or sail training vessels can apply for financial support for the upkeep of their vessels or cruises of their vessels, if the journey directly connects at least two of the Baltic Sail harbours.
The Baltic Sail network partners will especially take traditional ships in danger into consideration and award cruises on traditional ships, dedicated to support the following ideas: sail training, social training for youngsters, elderly people, handicapped persons or socially disadvantaged people, supporting ethnical minorities, strengthening cooperation of people of different nationalities, maritime heritage tours or cultural expeditions, promoting sustainable use of environmental friendly energy, competitions.
The financial support is – for the time being – limited to in total maximum 12.600,00 EUR / a and going to become divided into shares. Please let us have your formless but meaningful application. The application can be submitted throughout the year. The Baltic Sail network partners will decide presumably in autumn for the following year.